This month's newsletter is here to provide you with helpful products for the spring season, useful references, and more. Check out April's highlights below.
With the warmer weather now here, we're here to provide you with lightweight mulch blowing hose. Flexaust offers a co-extruded polyurethane hose that provides a lightweight alternative to conventional heavier hoses used in long lengths for bark mulch blowing applications called Flex-Tube PU.
Our Lawn & Leaf collection hoses have the solution for residential, commercial landscaping and municipal clean-up. They are durable, made to last, and you can choose from all-plastic ultra smooth interiors to heavy duty wire reinforced. Flexaust has made your selection easier with their "Good, Better and Best" hose options.
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what's a video worth? With the trees in full bloom, did you know Flexaust has dozens of helpful product and application videos on our website and YouTube channel? One of our most popular videos, "Leaf Collection" is featured below — click to watch on YouTube!:
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